An Official subdivision of the OSS
The DEFF. An Order of the Silver Star subdivision.
Special thanks to DEJER for all the help! he's hosting the OSS page, take a look it's nice page!

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What is Stellar Emperorä?

      Welcome to the DEFF home page. First of all, let me explain you what is Stellar Emperorä. It's a strategic war space simulation game by Kesmai®. The graphics are low, but still can get you involved in an action fight, anyway, when a game is good, who realy care about graphics? The goal is to get the higest number of points at the end of the war. sound simple? but belive me it isn't. Certenly points are not what keep me playing. Fun is a reason, but there are others goal we are all trying to reach. Some of them can be titles.

1. The EmpEror of the galaxy: To win this title, you need to lead the alliance who will end the war in first place.

2. The Presidant of the galaxy : One of the most prestigious title, you must finish first in in individual score.

3. The army ravager: A great title that require patience and big shipyards,so to be very good at managing planets. The one who will get the highest political score at the end of the war will earn this title.

4. The Warlord: You like better action? you don't nessecary want to join an alliance? (and ennemy that come with it) Then the title of Warlord is the one you need to aim for! to get it, you need to get the higest battle score.

Also you can create your own goal. Killing an ennemy, invading an imperial planet or getting the planet with the highest population. Also, you can simply like to fight for the sake of your alliance! It's one of the best internet game i've seen so far. The only REAL time game ever! The game is still in Beta, so Hurry up and get your chance to play for free and also a chance to give ideas to Kesmai® to make the game better. If you still got questions, jump to the Tutorial

What is the DEFF?

      The Democratic Empires For Freedom (DEFF) is a Stellar Emprorä alliance under OeilNoir's command. Why that name?
1. Democratic: i don't know of any oppresive leader who were successful..
2. Empire: That word represent the power and the order.
3. Freedom: The team have been created to break a monopoly and to challenge the 1st one. We will free the population from our tyranic ennemies.

Newly created for beta war 4 we were following a strict peaceful ideology. we stormed all score ever for a team with 2,044,042 points! the 2nd team were the Killer Bunny, the favorit team, who ended with 1,337,669 points. 3 days before the end of the war, we were ranked 4th, but we did the impossible and captured 3 imperial planets and then fought hours to kept them, but we were powerless before imperials infinit resourses! they allowed us to keep one. Talon who was guardian at that time even dared to abandon an imperial planets so defence who be lowered, thinking no one could ever capture his planets that has 30k guns. We "convinced" a friendly alliance, Eagle Squadron, to attack that planet while, silently, we were capturing the others who had between 50k and 70k guns each. And we were ready to crush 500k guns!

     During beta war 5, Boca took lead of DEFF in my absance and got DEFF to the 2nd place, only devanced by the Eagle Squadron who has 1,061,930 points. A slim differance of 20k points! DEFF had 1,041,700.

     Then Star Killer took the lead after DEFF lost many of the core members. DEFF ended 4th with 902,867 points. winner were FOE with 1,451,910 points.

     War 7, which was supose to be the ULTIMAT war, with Talon coming as ruler of the legendary Dominion! I took back the lead of DEFF, merging them with ES to create The Hegemonic Order. We were ready for the worst!but most of the original DEFF were not playing... it was kinda like ES, with few DEFF who joined them. And i fell under brillants plots from the ennemies, and left command to Hetulik who passed it to Gumshoe. Gumshoe saved the honor and did the best with what was left of the team! we finished 2nd with 675,703 points, far behing Dominion who had 1,191,252 points.

      Then, DEFF took a break for a couples of wars. i came back into the game in war 11 and created DEFF again. We won. Then, we jumped into war 12 and won again with a nice score over 1,400,000 points. The Legacy of DEFF will be back in the 2nd real war... unless i can't make a Vet Team for the 1st real war... then DEFF will be back in the 1st real war.

     We alawys lived on Honor, and will always do, we always fought our ennemies mercilessly, and will always do. the Team must prime from the leader and the team will win! Don't forget, we are the democratic Empire for Freedom, when democracy fail, force is our argument!
What is the OSS?

      The Order of the Silver Star (OSS) was originaly a diablo guild nammed The Soldiers of the Silver Star. After the originals leaders left in febuary, Hikary, BlueStar and me (Blackeye) took control of the guild. We were around 15 members at that time. If you take a look on the page, you'll notice that we growed lot since that time. We are now over 120 peoples and are playing and beta testing 5 multi players games over the net. More to come...
If you get the chance take a look on the page, you can get useful infos there and you'll meet a lot of cool peoples.
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